The Royal Navy has a long and proud history, with centuries of tradition behind it. For generations, men and women have served in the navy, fighting for their country, and protecting their shores. But what happens when they leave the navy? Where can they go next? In this article, we will explore the many opportunities that are available to those who have served in the armed forces, specifically in the field of shipbuilding. There are many exciting prospects waiting for you in this industry – read on to find out more!

A Career in Shipbuilding can Offer You a Chance to Use Your Skills and Experience in a New and Exciting Way

The shipbuilding industry is one that is always evolving, with new technologies and methods being developed all the time. This means that there are constantly new jobs arising for those who have the right skills, experience, and security clearance. If you have served in the navy, then you will have a wealth of experience and knowledge that can be put to good use in this industry. There are many different roles available in shipbuilding, so there is sure to be one that is perfect for you.

And, if you are looking for a challenge, then there are plenty of opportunities to develop your career in this field. With the right training and development, you could soon find yourself in a senior management position making high level decisions in the running of a shipyard.

So, if you are thinking about a career transition from the forces, then working in the shipbuilding industry could be the perfect choice for you.

Fears and Emotions About Finding Work After Leaving the Forces

For many people, the thought of leaving the forces can be a daunting one. There are so many unknowns – what will I do next? How will I support myself and my family? Of course, these are all valid concerns, and many are not covered in the service leavers’ guide, but there is no need to worry. There are plenty of opportunities out there for those who have served in the forces, and shipbuilding is one of them.

The shipbuilding industry offers a wide range of roles to fit many trades, from engineering and mechanics to project management and ship refit. Whatever your skillset, there is sure to be a role that suits you. And with the vast experience you have gained in the navy, you are sure to be an asset to any team.

So, if you are thinking about transitioning from the forces, don’t be afraid to explore the shipbuilding industry. There are many exciting opportunities waiting for you.

Next Steps

If you’re interested in learning more about careers in shipbuilding and how to transition from the forces, then please get in touch with us at SLR Marine Recruitment. We would be more than happy to chat with you about possible options on your new horizons and help you with your resettlement by finding the perfect role for your skills and experience