If you’re looking for a career in the shipbuilding and ship refit industry, then you need to check out SLR’s current live vacancies. We are constantly updating our job board with the latest positions, so you can be sure that you’ll find something that meets your needs. In addition, we have a broad client network, so no matter what your specialization is, we likely have a position that’s perfect for you.

What Services do SLR Recruitment Solutions offer You?

At SLR, we offer several different recruitment services that can benefit you in your job search. Whether you’re looking for temporary or permanent positions, we can help you find the right fit. We also offer support with your CV, so if you’re not sure how to best sell your skills and experience, we can help you craft a CV that will get results. We will help with the career transition from the armed forces to the commercial maritime sector. We have several clients who are looking for personnel with specific military experience, so if you’re making the transition to the civilian world, we can help you find a position that’s perfect for you. A security clearance is not always required but can be an advantage.

Possible Positions

There are several different positions available through SLR, so no matter your skills and experience, we likely have something right for you. Here are just a few of the jobs that we regularly have available:

  • Mechanics
  • Engineering Officers
  • Catering Staff
  • Ratings/Crew
  • Shoreside Personnel

Whatever your maritime career aspirations might be, be sure to check out SLR’s current live vacancies today. New horizons await!

SLR with You Every Step of The Way

We don’t just find you a job and forget about you. At SLR, we pride ourselves on our excellent customer service. We’ll be with you every step of the way, from finding the right position to helping you prepare for your interviews. We’re here to help you succeed. Resettlement assistance can be provided if required and we can direct you to services leavers’ support.

We Can Help You Keep Pace with the Shipping World

The shipping world is a fast-paced and ever-changing industry. It can be hard to keep up with the latest developments, but we make it our business to stay on top of the latest news and trends at SLR. We can help you find a position that’s right for you so keep an eye on SLR’s current live vacancies, and you’ll always be ahead of the curve. New opportunities are being added all the time and with our broad client network from all over the UK, you’ll be sure to find a position that’s perfect for you.

Apply Easily Online

Applying for a job with SLR is easy and can be done entirely online. Just visit our website and submit your CV through our easy-to-use form. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible with any positions that match your skills and experience. You can also sign up for our email list to receive notifications whenever new positions have been added that match your criteria.

So don’t get left behind – start your search today! Check out SLR’s current live vacancies today! You won’t be disappointed.